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About me

    Annyeong haseyo….

    My name is Meirani Khairunnisa, but in virtual world I am Zaoldyeck’s cousin, knowed as Meirani Zelxia. I was born in Palembang, fifteen years ago at 21st of May. I love reading, watching anime and K-POP, singing, dancing, playing piano, and etc. Apart from hobbies, I like some of academic lessons such as biology, math, chemistry, physic anything about science although sometimes I got low score on that, I always be optimistic. But you’re wrong if you think I am logical person who use sunglasses like that because I’m an anime lovers, J-POPERS and K-POPERS. Even I’m a fanatic fans of SHINee (gue Shinee worls/Shawol).

    Now I am studying in International Senior High School of South Sumatera(Sampoerna Academy). I am in grade ten. I live in dormitory. My parents and my brother are not in my city, Palembang. They are in Lubuklinggau city. By using this website, I’ll share anything that I like. Hope you like it.

    About My family

    I come from simple family. But honestly I feel that my family is the most harmonic and the warmest family in the world. They are the gift from God to me . All of my family’s religion is Islam, include me.

    First is my papa, his name is Zulkipli. He was born on 27th of December 1969. He was born in Lubulinggau, South Sumatera. But he spent many years in Bandung to work. But several years ago he decided to went back to Lubuklinggau. He has medium nose and narrow eyes, bur he is not really tall. He is very kind person. He believe that the success can be taken by struggling. He can do anything for his family. As the result now my family have enough material to live, whether in finance or goods.

    Second is my mama, her name is Winda Novitasari, ST. She was born in 10th of November 1972 in Lahat, South Sumatera. In fact, both of her parents are not from South Sumatera, her parents are from Padang and Tasikmalaya. She is using jilbab and yellow skin. She is smart in science, she can be so talkactive. She is a housewife but she likes to be angry to me. But I know that anything she does is for my self. She is very nice also. She is good in cooking.

    And the last is my younger brother,his name is M. Ridho Febriansyah , wow his name is so long. He was born in 22th of February 2005 in Tasikmalaya, West Java. I guess you can determine his date of birth by seeing his name. Now he will be the third grader in his elementary school. He is tall for his age. He is clever and hyperactive. He has white skin and curly hair but honestly he is charming. He is kind and really love anime he has several hobbies that is same with me.

    About my school

    I had elementary school in Tasikmalaya, West Java. Exactly in II Citapen Elementary School. When I was there I didn’t make any achivment. I was very passive and really silent. I had bad social communication and I didn’t have many friends there during three years there. However, the reason why now I am here are because my father wanted to have job in South Sumatera and I would have surgery because of my sickness at the time. That’s why I am in South Sumatera now. I got in to Sixteen Elementary School in Lubuklinggau, unpredictable I had good social communication there I felt comfortable with my friend and the best result were I got many achievement from many competition also I always got the top three ranks in the class. After graduated from my elementary school, I continued to higher level which was One Junior High School there. And as the same I had very good environment there . I had so many friends that want to help me and pray for me. The teachers also were very kind. At the time I felt that my school was my second home . I got so many achievement during in Junior High School such as biology Olympiad and traditional art competition. I always got the first-second rank in my class. That ‘s why my school recomanded to get scholarship for Senior High School level. In fact I got it and now I am here in South Sumatera International Senior High School (Sampoerna Academy) in Palembang, South Sumatera. I am so lucky to be here because this school is free for finance and full of facility. Although I live in dormitory and far away from my home I will struggle to reach my dreams, to get high education, to improve my character and to make many achievements so my family and this school will proud to me and will not be regret to have me.



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